3200 South La Cienega
La Cienega is a 254 unit Tier 4 Transit Oriented urban infill development located within walking distance of the Jefferson/ La Cienega E line Light Rail Station replacing a surface parking lot. One of the project goals is to be a leader in sustainability, achieving LEED Platinum certification and providing the infrastructure for all parking spaces to be EV ready.
The unusual site was only 110’-0” wide but over 500’-0” in length terminating with a triangular sliver at the Westside Neighborhood Park. The narrow site was further impacted by a transitional height requirement on both sides resulting in building stepbacks at both the sixth and seventh floors and a 20’-0” wide storm drain easement, at the north corner, that required the building to span over it.
The site also had an R4 residential zoning that did not allow for a mixed use development. Pedestrian orientation was provided by placing 17 2 story loft apartments on La Cienega with separate entrances from the street. The lofts form a base for a serpentine massing of units above that create courtyards facing east and west, reducing the building mass along both La Cienega and the alley. The site characteristics allowed for a multitude of amenity spaces at the ground and 2nd floors and the 6th and 7th floor decks allowing a multitude of smaller groups to congregate.